Celery Soup

Celery Soup

LunchDinnerLow CarbSoup
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-2 tablespoons olive oil
-1 onion diced
-4 garlic cloves, chopped
-6 cups celery, sliced thin
-2 cups potatoes, sliced into 1/2 inch thick rounds
-4 cups low sodium vegetable or chicken broth
-1 cup water
-1 bay leaf
-salt and pepper to taste
-1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper


-1/4 cup fresh dill
-1/2 cup fresh parsley
-Stir in 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
-Garnish with hemp seeds


-Heat the oil in a big pot over medium-high heat and add the onion, stirring occasionally, letting the onions get golden, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and stir 1-2 minutes, until fragrant.
-Add the celery, potatoes, broth, water, bay leaf, salt, pepper, and cayenne. The liquid should just cover the veggies (if not, add a little more water). Cover, bring to a rolling boil, turn heat down and simmer gently until potatoes are tender, about 10 minutes.
-Turn heat off, remove bay leaf and add the fresh herbs and just wilt them (don’t cook herbs or you lose the vibrant color!)
-Using an immersion blender- Blend well, a full minute, until herbs are fully blended, creating a vibrant colored soup. For extra “green” color, add a handful of raw baby spinach if you like, or more fresh parsley.
-Place it back in the same pot over low heat. Stir in Greek Yogurt. Gently heat, careful to not over-simmer, or you may lose the lovely vibrant color.